International Scientific Research Conference is related to an expert who concerned within the field, on this Research league there are professional participants like Professor, Head of departments, scientist, researcher, doctors, industrialist, manager, engineers, principals, Students and so forth. Research leagues have the aim to inspire collaboration among people with distinctive backgrounds and views, join experiential specialists around the world and construct your professional information and competency. This conference emphasizes energetic studying and elevated collaboration through interplay and dynamic new event elements. In a placing of education and courting building, those elements foster know-how sharing and review of the evolving conference.
Stays abuzz with pioneering conferences in various fields all over the year. Events in areas like engineering and technology, physical and life sciences, social sciences and humanities, mathematics and statistics, health and medicine, and much more had been displayed chronologically right here. Click on any conference to reap the energetic information about it.
Instructions for Oral Presentations
Contributed oral presentations are 15 minutes long, including 5 minutes for questions and discussion. The paper must be presented by one of the author or co-authors .Oral presentations are to be made either using your laptop or the PC that will be available in the session room (Windows system + Powerpoint). Please come to the session room with your laptop or pen drive having your presentation file. There will be a volunteer on hand to assist in starting each presentation.Instructions for Poster Presentations
Maximum poster size is 36 inches wide by 48 inches high (3 ft. x 4 ft.). You must provide your own printout of the poster itself. You are requested to set up your poster in the morning prior to the Opening ceremony and remove it at the end of the session. One of the paper author or co-authors must be present and available for discussion at the poster session. Posters will be on display in the conference room.Instructions for Virtual Presentations
Video recordings (.avi, .mp4, and .flv) of virtual presentations will be played at the related session, and presenters will be connected via zoom. Thus, the audiences will be able to ask their questions to the presenter of the virtual presentation.
PRESENTERS: People can attend the Conference if they have submitted a paper that has been double-blind, peer-reviewed, and accepted and if they have paid the registration fee.NON-PRESENTERS: People can also attend the Conference as an observer to listen to the presentations of papers without presenting a paper of their own if they have paid the registration fee.
For those who can’t come in person, presenters and non-presenters may participate online if they have paid the registration fee.